Hello everyone, welcome to my new nutrition blog and website!
I am super exited to be starting this new journey of running my own nutrition private practice and nutrition blog. But let me start by introducing myself: Hi! My name is Dana Weber, I am a registered Dietitian in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
I have worked as a dietitian for the last couple of years for a different nutrition company called A Little Nutrition. And have recently decided to take that plunge and start my own practice! It has always been a dream of mine to be my own boss. Even when I was just starting my nutrition degree I knew this is what I wanted to be doing after school.
I was driven to nutrition part way through my first degree (a bachelor of arts in theatre production) because of a lot of digestive issues I was experiencing. So I wanted to learn more about how food was affecting my body. I went to our local public library and took out a nutrition textbook… and actually read it! (Who does that?!) I enjoyed learning about nutrition so much that when I was ready to register for the next term at university and discovered that they offered an introduction to nutrition course (that qualified for my science requirement!) I just had to take it. Well, this course changed my life, literally! I was on the edge of my seat every class, absorbing all the new information I was learning, and couldn’t wait to learn more! I didn’t even have to study for the exams because I found all I would talk about was what I was learning in this class. Trust me, all my friends can attest to this (they are probably very happy I have let up on this a bit now). Once I discovered that my instructor was a Registered Dietitian and that a career in nutrition was actually a real thing, I knew I had to switch gears and pursue a career in nutrition. So I finished my theatre degree and worked at getting all my science requirements and then switched universities and started a bachelors of sciences degree in Human Nutritional Sciences. Once I finished my degree, I moved on to completing a Dietetics Internship with the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority. Then I wrote and passed the national exam. And I was finally a Registered Dietitian!!!
So, it’s been a long road, but well worth it. And now, here I am with my own Dietetic practice! Ready to help you with all your nutritional and digestive inquiries so that you don’t have to spend your summer reading a nutrition textbook and still be left with a million questions, just I did!